Bits & Cream. Metabolizzazione d'Archivio
Giulia Mangoni
With a text by Giulia Floris
25th November - 28th January, 2022
Opening: 25th November, from 6pm - 9pm
ArtNoble gallery is pleased to present Bits & Cream. Metabolizzazione d’Archivio, Giulia Mangoni's first solo exhibition with the gallery.
Italian – Brazilian artist Giulia Mangoni (b.1991) focuses her artistic practice on the reinterpretation of familiar landscapes through a painterly and performative language capable of involving disciplines from the rural context such as animal breeding and ancient techniques of local craftsmanship. In doing so, the artist enriches her visual imagery through in-depth investigations into the history of the territory: first among these circumstances is the Ciociaro context in which Mangoni was born and where she has returned to live permanently since 2015.
In the space of the Milanese gallery, the imaginative and ancestral archive that the artist has collected of the Ciociaria region in meridional Italy over the last six years, in its representative features, manifests itself as a Warburghian tableaux aimed at exploring the characteristics of representation linked to the first part of the research, transitioning between information gathered at a distance and an embodied experience of place.
In an attempt of “mastication and digestion” of this personal archive, Mangoni goes beyond the concept of mere discovery, representation and celebration of such rural places that have been portrayed throughout time as bucolic and romantic sites for the imagination. A territory that has been subjected to rural and industrial exploitation by larger neighbouring urban centers and that has fed and sustained their growth for centuries, Ciociaria is today neither fuelled by rurality or industry, however it is reacting to an impending tourism that begins to arrive, bringing pressures to search for a new identity.
Bits & Cream. Metabolizzazione d’Archivio, thus opens a new chapter in the artist’s work, presenting an unpublished series of paintings in multiple sizes which, invading the spaces of the gallery, aim at representing the digestion and re-writing of territorial narratives imagined in a local ice-cream parlour where time seems to have stopped, and also Bits & Cream, a luminous sign that flickers invitingly at the limits of the amazon forest, letting us glimpse at an identity that is anything but local.