Giovanni Chiamenti

Born in Verona in 1992. 

Lives and works between Verona and Milan. 

Giovanni Chiamenti is a transdisciplinary artist whose artistic practice intercepts themes such as the sympoiesis and symbiogenesis between the anthropogenic and the natural, for an overcoming of the Anthropocene and the formulation of alternative paradigms of survival of the planet and coexistence between species. The basis of his research has always been a careful observation of nature and the landscape, initially translated into a practice that went along with the shaping of the art form through natural processes, deepening the relationship between man and nature by creating a perceptual imbalance and altering the vision.

Subsequently, Chiamenti has moved towards an increasingly in-depth and synchronic exploration of materials and techniques as well as natural processes, producing a series of works that test the ability of each technique utilized to understand and simulate nature. This type of analysis of materials and processes has led the artist to develop a deeper interest in the sciences, although anchored in a humanistic approach of analysing human interventions on the planet, undertaking research into the adaptation of living beings to increasingly extreme environmental conditions.

To this day, Chiamenti’s practice thus operates at the intersection of art, geology, biology, biotechnology and chemistry, involving constant exchanges with experts in these fields. Moving between sci-fi and the imaginative, but rooting his research in in-depth scientific studies, Chiamenti’s practice finds its relevance in today’s context in his ability to imagine positive propositions of a new era of symbiosis between man and nature.

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